The Chamber of Commerce thinks human workers are house-elves

This is just too good not to share, the politics of Harry Potter.This is from a friend of mine, who I think wants to...

Can We Apply ROI Standards to Highways Please?

If we can quantify the returns to the state for an $80 million investment in a sports arena, why isn't it possible, with "big data" technology, to insist on obtaining a similar metric before approving $1.3 billion of highway bonding in the Governor's proposed budget?

CDBG Commission Takes the High Road

The CDBG commission refused to take a position on the hiring of Bill Clingan for the Economic and Community Development Unit Director. Something...

Is it working?

Recently, Monona Grove Elementary teacher Jeff Knudson was the "star" of an ad for Scott Walker. Mr. Knutson looked directly into the...

Misplaced Priorities

The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then get elected and prove it. P.J. O'ROURKE, Holidays in Hell The Village Board in...

We All Must Oppose The Expansion of School Vouchers

The Monona Grove Board of Education, building principals and district office administrators, and teachers (Monona Grove Education Association) join together to urge legislators to...

An agenda for the City

This spring's elections need to be about more than water, trolleys and taxes. Yes, our water needs to be safe to...

The Myth of Education “Reform”

My LTE made the Cap Times website, in a slightly edited version. Here is the full letter(with links): Now that school has resumed,...

Your Input Needed! Economic Development

Economic Development Listening Sessions have been scheduled to get your input! We need your help deciding the following:What role should the City of...

Have Abacus Will Travel

I have written before of the the right wings veiled attempts to privatize public education. I have also pointed out that while they...

Of The Midnight “Revision” of Paul Revere

I had been meaning to let this go, but it has been on my mind as a microcosm of the political events of recent...

Even in Dane County the Fiscal Conservatives are Breaking Us!

We have been chronicling how the fiscal conservatives are breaking the bank, now we see it "trickling down" to the Dane County Board....