To Merge or Not To Merge….

In the Village of Cottage Grove and the Town of Cottage Grove that really is not the question of the moment. The question...

More Sunny….

I addressed the fact that Sunny Schubert kept her affiliation with WPRI to herself here, and she addressed it here. Looking between...

New Rule – part 2.

This should be a given, but here goes. New Rule - Staff from really bad politicians make really bad politicians! While there are...

Cottage Grove – Leadership Institute

It has been said that the people lead and the government follows. There have been many examples of this throughout history. Pressure...

Desperate Times, Call for Desperate Measures!

Summer 2012, the Wisconsin republicans had the world by the balls. They had control over the State Assembly, the State Senate, the...

Some Light Shed on Sunny’s Numbers

Recently The Herald-Independent columnist and writer for the right-wing "think tank" WPRI, recently "reported" on the state of the Monona Grove School District....

Hmmm . . . Something wrong here.

Press releases about public hearings two days after they occur, economic development plans that are currently meaningless (the hard work is yet to be...

Education – Must Read

H/T Heather @ Monologues of Dissent! As our children go back to school and you meet with the teachers, administrators and classmates, tour...

Even in Dane County the Fiscal Conservatives are Breaking Us!

We have been chronicling how the fiscal conservatives are breaking the bank, now we see it "trickling down" to the Dane County Board....

United Sportsmen

There is a scandal brewing in Wisconsin that not only typifies exactly who the Wisconsin Republican party is but what is wrong with Wisconsin...

TIF Policy – What’s Next?

The committee finally finished its report! Only a year late!The report is done and now it goes off to the Board of Estimates...

Won’t someone think of the children….

We recently had Budget listening Session in Cottage Grove, conducted by our State Representative Gary Hebl and Legislative Fiscal Bureau Head Bob...