Economic Development: Who Cares?

I attended most of all three economic development plan "listening" sessions yesterday, against my better judgment. While it took 7.5 hours of...

Economic Development Talk – Tripping Over Itself

It's been 24 years since the City of Madison has had an economic development plan for the City. This, despite the splashy announcements...

Your Input Needed! Economic Development

Economic Development Listening Sessions have been scheduled to get your input! We need your help deciding the following:What role should the City of...

The Chamber of Commerce thinks human workers are house-elves

This is just too good not to share, the politics of Harry Potter.This is from a friend of mine, who I think wants to...

CDBG Commission Takes the High Road

The CDBG commission refused to take a position on the hiring of Bill Clingan for the Economic and Community Development Unit Director. Something...

How Many Jobs Did That Create?

So, one of my concerns over the years is that with all of the talk about Economic Development in this town, its hard to...

City Committee Resignations

When I first heard about several committee resignations due to being upset with a decision of the Mayor, I thought they were talking...

What’s a Brownfield? The State Capital?

Ok - so in actually reading the info for the Economic Development Commission Meeting, I discovered that my house and my recently redeveloped office...

Thursday’s Thoughts

Again, today, still much to blog about. So here's the schmorgasborg.(How often do you get to use that word?!)D'ANGELOThis whole D'Angelo thing is...

Turns out . . . it wasn’t necessary.

Remember when we jumped through all those hoops to bend all the rules to give a company a $700,000 that was portrayed to...

Buying Local . . . did you notice it passed?

How does it happen that when Ray Allen and Mayor Dave, the Common Sense Coalition and Progressive Dane, Brenda Konkel and Russ Frank (Madison...

What is the Role of the Economic Development Commission?

I was surprised at the last Common Council meeting when we tried to refer an item to get advice from the Economic Development Commission...