Common Council Recap

Get it here, cuz you can't find it in the newspapers! I've already answered questions last night for reporters about what happened...

Dane County Education Meeting

The community wide education meeting was very much a success. With a solid crowd and great speakers, the Sunday afternoon meeting...

Local Purchasing

One more from the Economic Development bizzaro-world . . .Yesterday, the WSJ editorialized AGAINST a preference for local purchasing. What? Did...

Cottage Grove – open for clients…

Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, and honest lobbyist, and an old drunk were walking along when they simultaneously spotted a hundred-dollar bill ...

Madison created 3000 jobs and retained 650 in 2005

Er, please read my mea culpa on the following blog entry. There is a major factual error involved in this posting.I don't read...

Get these folks some training!

As a person deeply involved in local government, I take open meetings and public records laws rather seriously. I hold them in high...

The Chamber of Commerce thinks human workers are house-elves

This is just too good not to share, the politics of Harry Potter.This is from a friend of mine, who I think wants to...

"Chicken Little" Report – How Paid Sick Leave will Destroy the Universe

So, does anyone really believe that the City of Madison is going to lose 37 - 185 businesses ...

Economic Development Director Do Over – 3rd Times A Charm

It must be Friday . . . that's when the City issues all of its bad news.Looks like we're going to try again to...

Your Input Needed! Economic Development

Economic Development Listening Sessions have been scheduled to get your input! We need your help deciding the following:What role should the City of...

We Gave Money to This?

Remember Tomo Therapy . . . they're the company we bent all the rules so that we could loan them the last $700,000...

Economic Development Commission Struggles to (Obviously) Support the Edgewater (final)

This was mildly entertaining. A few special moments.At the beginning of the meeting Fred Mohs, Gene Devitt, the model and a small handful...