Thursday Morning Links

As the kids start school today there will be lots of "Scott Walker has saved our schools" misinformation running around the right wing airwaves....

Education – Must Read

H/T Heather @ Monologues of Dissent! As our children go back to school and you meet with the teachers, administrators and classmates, tour...

More Sunny….

I addressed the fact that Sunny Schubert kept her affiliation with WPRI to herself here, and she addressed it here. Looking between...

Representative Gary Hebl Listening Sessions

Representative Gary Hebl will be holding listening sessions in both Cottage Grove and Sun Prairie before next Tuesday's election! For Immediate Release ...

Cottage Grove – open for clients…

Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, and honest lobbyist, and an old drunk were walking along when they simultaneously spotted a hundred-dollar bill ...

He who must not be named….

There is an incredible amount of fake outrage on the right regarding Anthony Weiner, from head nerd Reince Priebus on down. ...

Republican Bully’s

H/T to Jay Bullock for catching this. Last week UW-Madison's own professor of history, geography and environmental studies penned this op-ed in the NY...

Let’s get them on the record!

Governor Walker came out last week with a union busting bill - Lots more information here. A couple of things have been overlooked...

Dane County Executive poll

The Spring Primary is less than a week away. With the questions surrounding the poll released by Joe Parisi's campaign, I thought...

Purge the Merge and other Village Business

The Village/Town of Cottage Grove merger talks merger talks have been put on hold. I have written before on the...

Are you kidding?

The members of the Dane County School Board Consortium and WAES (Wisconsin Alliance for Excellent Schools) have gotten together to sponsor a public meeting...

Which MM is more popular? Mark Miller or Mike Mikalsen?

Tonight in the Village Of Cottage Grove, appointed village president Mike Mikalsen and Dane County Supervisor David Wiganowsky, are holding a...