Scott Walker Slaps Down Blaska

In case you have not heard, Scott Walker's campaign manager, Michael Grebe,  is suing the Madison School District.    Well, Grebe could not sue the...

Are you kidding….follow up

I wanted to follow up to this post. Where some anti-education individuals from Cottage Grove complained that a note was sent...


The talks between the Town of Cottage Grove and the Village of Cottage Grove have been continually advancing (as has the cost to the...

Will Scott Walker Choose Superhighway Socialism?

Scott Walker will be delivering his third State of the State address tonight at 7pm. Infrastructure is among the five priorities he has been...

How you can make a HUGE difference!

I saw it posted on a few different blogs, people asking the author (how can I make a difference?). h/t Jessica Ace...

Privatization Pirates!

Watching Captain Phillips recently, my wife turned to me and said "I've found someone who has a harder job than I do". I...

The Governors “tools” and the President’s “stimulus”.

Governor Walker has been in office for just a few months and they have been an eventful few months. Before he even took...

Wisconsin Uprising – The Art Show!

Recently, Steve Nass and his spokesman got wind that the UW School for workers was putting on an art show. They then...

Can We Apply ROI Standards to Highways Please?

If we can quantify the returns to the state for an $80 million investment in a sports arena, why isn't it possible, with "big data" technology, to insist on obtaining a similar metric before approving $1.3 billion of highway bonding in the Governor's proposed budget?

More About School Choice!

We recently brought you the story of how much money the public school privateers are willing to spend in order to profit off of...

ballot box solutions…..

Having spent lots and lots of time at the Capitol, many of the great speakers there keep mentioning recall. Not only of Scott...

Saving Privatized Ryan (brothers)

The Village of Cottage Grove is at it again. They seem to be working very hard to lower the quality of life for...