Elections Matter!

When Judge Colas ruled that parts of ACT 10 were Unconstitutional, the Governor was quick to personally attack Judge Colas but never once mentioned...

Trumka- “It already has!”

I was recently given the opportunity to sit down with AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka. Mr. Trumka was very cordial and positive and had...

The Voucher Scam!

The truth of school Vouchers is slowly starting to come out and its not pretty. While Scott Walker, Robin Vos, et...

Of The Midnight “Revision” of Paul Revere

I had been meaning to let this go, but it has been on my mind as a microcosm of the political events of recent...

Hello McFly!

Recently Cottage Grove Village Trustee Micah Zielke went on a little rant about local participation in Government during his officer remarks. "I would like...

Republican Bully’s

H/T to Jay Bullock for catching this. Last week UW-Madison's own professor of history, geography and environmental studies penned this op-ed in the NY...

Think Globally but Pay Attention Locally…

The Village of Cottage Grove meeting this week was very telling of four members of the board. This item: e. Ad Hoc...

Its not about anger…its about hope.

Scott Walker recall   H/t to Harris Lemberg I wonder if any other politician in history has been on both sides of a recall? At least...

Why I Left The Catholic Church

They say a picture says 1000 words and this one most certainly does. When the Bishop of my Catholic Church decides to...

Wisconsin Uprising – The Art Show!

Recently, Steve Nass and his spokesman got wind that the UW School for workers was putting on an art show. They then...

Cottage Grove – open for clients…

Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, and honest lobbyist, and an old drunk were walking along when they simultaneously spotted a hundred-dollar bill ...

When Considering Infrastructure, Build for the Future!

Popular culture would tell the city leaders of Madison that in our current budget we need to focus on providing basic services like expanding...