Edgewater – How is this going to work? (Slightly Updated)

I have a friend, or perhaps more accurately a frienemy, who when we were working on legislation would turn to me and say, "How's...

Two Day Round Up

I'm a bit behind since I didn't do one yesterday . . .OLD HOUSES - RESEARCH, REGISTER AND REWARDSMadison Trust Sets New Series of...

Common Council Recap (Final)

I took the day off, slept in (a little), so this will be a little slow getting posted this morning, but this and the...

1 Alder Absent. Other Issues for tonight.

So, the council usually works off a consent agenda that comes out late in the day and many don't ever see. Here is...

Referral Motion Expected on the Edgewater Tonight

Here's the text expected to be introduced . . . From: Maniaci, BridgetSent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 12:39 PMTo: ALL ALDERS; May, Michael; Mendoza,...

Other (Non-Edgewater) Round Up (Final)

There's enough for a full post here . . . just wish there was more time . . . CAP TIMES ON SOGLIN ON...

Catching Up on the Edgewater (Final)

If you haven't been obsessed with the Edgewater for the last two weeks, the last you might have heard was the Council rejected to...

Jay Rath’s August Post on the Edgewater

Several people have asked me what happened to this post. In short, with the website transfer to the new format, it was lost,...

I Don’t Know Where to Start – Monday Morning Round Up

All this vacation time, has me behind on so many blog topics, I'm not sure where to begin, but here's your Monday morning round...

The (This Doesn’t Look Right) Week Ahead

I suspect, there are some things missing here . . . I'll try to remember to update it.Monday, January 4, 2010This is the...

New Year’s Eve Round Up

There were too many items yesterday for me not to do a round up - so here it is . . . COUNTY BOARD...

End? of the Week Round Up

This may be my last post for the week. I have the rest of the week off . . . but then again...