Mid-Week (Tuesday) Round Up

Love it when Tuesday is mid week . . . ONE WEEK, THEN A DO-OVERThat's right, the Edgewater is back. Re-do the bingo...

The Mayor, Blogging, Council Use of Web Pages & Woeful Use of Technology

Inspired by Kristin's puff piece on Mayor Dave Cieslewicz blogging . . . not her fault its a puff piece, not much news happening...

More Ho Chunk/Union Corners News

From, an unnamed source . . . some more points this person thought were of interest: 1. Ho-Chunk does not plan to need any...

New Poll: Response?

So, I thought I should explain my new poll for those who may not know what its about. First of all, its just...

Poll Results: Edgewater/Alders/Law

To keep track, I'm going to save the poll results in blog posts. So, here's my first poll and the results:Will most of...

Last Round Up of the Week.

I'm likely not going to post for the next three or four days . . . maybe. We'll see what's going on...

Short Week Monday Morning Round Up

Edgewater free round up . . . CITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MIASo, where is our Economic Development Commission, our Economic Development Director and city leadership?...

Still Talking About the Edgewater . . .

Even tho the project may or may not be dead, it seems it is still the main thing people are talking about, so ....

The Not Much Happening City and County Week Ahead

At the moment, I got, well, not much . . . you take a look . . . CITYThe city only has meetings on...

Lazy Friday Afternoon Round Up

There's so much out there today . . . county and city. No snow or Edgewater today, that'll be saved for Monday.WHERE'S THE...

Edgewater Hang Over Round Up (Final)

Well, I got some sleep . . . but I feel like I have a hang over or something even tho I haven't had...

Recap of Council Discussion on Edgewater (Final . . . Grades are In!)

At 2:40 in the morning the council finally started their discussion on the Edgewater . . . The first 2 to 2.5...