Edgewater: Ch-ch-ch-changes . . . . (Part II)

Sorry for the delay . . . headache is better but not gone, and now I seem to have a fever . . ....

Edgewater Mess – Part Two

My team of IT professionals and editors inform me the easiest way to fix my botched Edgewater post from this morning was to just...

The City Week Ahead That They Want You To Know About

Check back here later in the week to see what didn't get published on time . . . This is what I find of...

Round Up – Brazen . . . and maddening.

Blood pressure raising issues below . . . I'm just not sure how many I can get to before I go to work...

The Likely Incomplete (City) Week Ahead

Here we go again . . . with no Edgewater meetings! They are supposed to get their amended applications in this week, next...

Yesterday’s Round Up

I should know better than to think I could quick get something done at work. There was no way I was going to...

Edgewater Law Changes & Ethics Violation- Board of Public Works.

What a bizarre meeting. No alder/sponsor of the changes was present to speak to the issue. The super important can't live without...

3 day Partial Round Up

I'm a bit behind on the blogging . . . meetings til 11:00 and midnight two nights in a row will do that.UDC ON...

Economic Development Commission Struggles to (Obviously) Support the Edgewater (final)

This was mildly entertaining. A few special moments.At the beginning of the meeting Fred Mohs, Gene Devitt, the model and a small handful...

E Round Up: All Edgewater, All the Time

Yes, there's enough about the Edgewater for a round up dedicated to this subject alone . . . I expect that this will be...

Round Up – A little less fired up today . . .

Catching up on a few things . . . CITY LOOKING FOR NEW PROGRAMS FOR THE HOMELESSWith all the talk at Community Services about...

Edgewatery Goodness Week Ahead (Updated)

For those of you trying to follow the crazy Edgewater schedule . . . Additional meetings added after this was posted are here. Last...