Wednesday Round Up

Today is Friday for me, as I get to enjoy another 4 day weekend (Steel Bridge Music Festival in Door County!), then panic when...

The City Week Ahead – There are many things happening besides Edgewater

Here we go again, lets see if something is going on besides adding 83 hotel rooms to the City of Madison for $16M ....

The City Edgewatery Week Ahead

There are other things going on in the City besides talking about the Edgewater Hotel . . .Monday, December 7, 20093:00 PM INFORMATIONAL...

Preparing Effective Testimony For Plan Commission on the Edgewater Hotel

Over the years, I've heard lots of testimony. If you want to make your testimony effective, here's my recommendation:1. Be prepared, review...

Hammes/Edgewater Appeals Landmarks Decision

Get Ready for a Loooooooonnnnnnngggggg Tuesday Night . . . .Here's the letter sent to the clerk.

And the City Stands Idly By . . .

Sometimes, people email me things that are too good not to share. Thanks to William Peterson for putting this all together and in...

Edgewater and Landmarks and More Hammes Games

So how does this work, the project has changed dramatically since the Landmarks Commission saw it, but the proposal hasn't come back, so will...

Monster (Effort) Monday Morning Round Up

Some of this might have gotten a little old (last two weeks), but I've cleared out all my blog topics, google alerts and google...

Tuesday Morning Round Up

Ok - here's a few more items of interest, as I try to keep caught up during the busy budget season . . ....

Half Done Round Up

I've felt behind all week, and still am! Hopefully I can stay more current starting next week!DON'T READ THISGo read my other post...


Alot can be said about the the Edgewater project, but I'd start here. Worst. Public. Process. Ever.225 MEETINGS?Is that a...

Round Up! Again!

Here's about a dozen items of interest from the last few days . . . WHAT YOU'RE MISSING IF YOU AREN'T TUNING IN"To WYOU...