Thursday means the Week Is Almost Over Round Up

Here it is . . . enjoy!CONSTRUCTION SEASON IS UPON USRoad work!JOHN NOLAN BIKE PATH CLOSEDBikes also will have a challenge getting around this...

Baby Round Up

You're getting the quick round up today!EDGEWATERBlew their new timeline in less than 48 hours. Special Board of Estimates meeting on the 15th...

I Don’t Know Where to Start – Monday Morning Round Up

All this vacation time, has me behind on so many blog topics, I'm not sure where to begin, but here's your Monday morning round...

Wednesday Round Up

Many more issues to comment on today, Hippie Christmas, lobbying complaints, alternative Edgewater proposal thoughts, why Google came to Madison, a little jab at...

Monday Morning Round Up – A Day Early

I'm taking the day off tomorrow, so here it is today . . . It's a little short, there's been so much...

Brenda’s On Vacation (City) Week Ahead

You're on your own . . . kinda . . . I'll maybe be back on Thursday night for the Council meeting on Edgewater...

NEW (HA! HA!) Edgewater Schedule

Let's try this again . . . this is the latest word . . . We have received revised plans based on the...

The (City) Week Ahead – Budget! and more . . .

Last week, I missed two meetings I would have gone to, because I didn't check back for all the changes. One of them...

Monday Morning Round Up

Spinfest, ALRC favoritism - past and present, Mayor goes all out for the Edgewater and Mayor changing rules on Absent Without Pay leave and...

Friday + Weekend + Monday Round Up

It's a little long . . . OOPS, I WAS WRONG!I'm a little red faced, but only a little. I didn't realize that...

Edgewater – Review Process

This is the list of things Brad Murphy explained were necessary for approval of the Edgewater Building. This is one part of a several...

Edgewater TIF – Some facts to ponder.

I was sooooooooo disappointed on the lack of questions on TIF from the alders on Thursday night. It is very likely that most...