Economic Development Commission Struggles to (Obviously) Support the Edgewater (final)

This was mildly entertaining. A few special moments.At the beginning of the meeting Fred Mohs, Gene Devitt, the model and a small handful...

Plan Commission Discussion on Edgewater Process

Last night the Plan Commission discussed scheduling their discussion on the Edgewater . . . Brad Murphy (Planning) started out by attempting to explain...

Tuesday Morning Round Up

Here it is . . . what you need to know for today as of the time I posted it. Just so you...

Half Done Round Up

I've felt behind all week, and still am! Hopefully I can stay more current starting next week!DON'T READ THISGo read my other post...

Round Up! Again!

Here's about a dozen items of interest from the last few days . . . WHAT YOU'RE MISSING IF YOU AREN'T TUNING IN"To WYOU...

Other (Non-Edgewater) Round Up (Final)

There's enough for a full post here . . . just wish there was more time . . . CAP TIMES ON SOGLIN ON...

School Budget vs. Edgewater

Tonight, there are big meetings on both. I've thought a a lot about what is more important and it just seems so clear....

666 Wisconsin Avenue

The Edgewater . . .Seems fitting that this flyer was awaiting me when I got home at 10:00 after the Urban Design Commission.  The...

Oddities in the Registration Slips . . .

So, the registration slips for the council meeting last night was a couple inches thick. They Mayor didn't read them, but they passed...

Short Round Up – Read the full Letter

That Edgewater letter, library battle heats up, comments on Apex proposal and volunteers needed for imporant project . . . more, but I gotta...

Grading the Capital Budget Requests

Who passed? Who failed? Who are the brown-nosers (A+), those who did what they had to do to get by, and those who...

A little late Round Up . . .

I had a little blogging mishap this morning, so . . . this is later than usual (luckily, I have worked lots of extra...