So, What’d the UDC decide on the Edgewater Last Night?

I. Don't. Know. I was there, I heard it, but I don't know what it means. Some said they punted,...

Friday Afternoon News: Protest Petition Filed on the Edgewater

This probably isn't a huge surprise, but it is now official . . . it will take a 3/4 vote of the council for...

The Likely Incomplete (City) Week Ahead

Here we go again . . . with no Edgewater meetings! They are supposed to get their amended applications in this week, next...

Hmmm . . . Rescheduled (Edgewater) Council Meeting?

This, could be interesting . . . and convenient. Perhaps Palm and Schumacher will be back . . . but who else might...

The Badger Bus Depot Common Council Recap

GETTING IT STARTED Um . . . Bruer? Bruer? He wanders in, talking to everyone . . . and attempts to call...

Bad (Edgewater) Process

Ok - I'll try this one more time - more Edgewatermania. Sure, a developer can hold private meetings on their project. They just...

Edgewater: We don’t Agree on Anything! (This Project and Process is a Mess!)

Note: I had some technical problems this morning, I have my team of IT people and editors currently working on piecing my post...

MMSD No Vote on Edgewater TIF Recommended

This isn't a surprise, but the agenda for Monday's Board of Education meeting includes a recommendation from the administration to instruct their rep on...

Slow Week Tuesday Morning Round Up

In the 70s tomorrow! What else matters?WHAT OUR LIBRARY NOW CAN BEIf we somehow manage to straighten it out.$3.4M FOR THE SCHOOLSMore potential...

Miscellaneous Common Council Recap (Updated)

Somehow, the meeting lasted til 10:00. A surprise to some, as there was no one major issue on the agenda. Confusion about...

Snowy, Tenanty Round Up

Snow related items, tenant items and a few others . . . I almost made it without mentioning the E word . . ....

Edgewater – Q & A

This was probably some of the most revealing and interesting part of the evening . . . so, sorry to save it til last...