Monday Morning Round Up – A Day Early

I'm taking the day off tomorrow, so here it is today . . . It's a little short, there's been so much...

24 Amendments to the Mayor’s Budget

Here's the highlights . . . CAPITALLibrary - Schumacher, Sanborn, Skidmore want to add language to Central Library "The City will not enter into...

Edgewater – Not Ready for Prime Time

Bottom line: We need more info. Essentially, Urban Design Commission is requesting, in some cases for the third time, additional information they...

November 3 City Recap – The (Almost Complete) "Short" Version

I have 6.5 hours of notes, and not enough time to use them! Here's a shorter version of what happened. I have...

Tuesday Morning Round Up

Ok - here's a few more items of interest, as I try to keep caught up during the busy budget season . . ....

Monday Morning Round Up

Spinfest, ALRC favoritism - past and present, Mayor goes all out for the Edgewater and Mayor changing rules on Absent Without Pay leave and...

The City Week Ahead That They Want You To Know About

Check back here later in the week to see what didn't get published on time . . . This is what I find of...

Another Round Up

Panhandlers box, Madison's Cultural Plan, Sheriff's Overtime (doubled what has been budgeted for years), Future Cities, Nancy Mistele screams at County Board Supervisors, Bus...

A little late Round Up . . .

I had a little blogging mishap this morning, so . . . this is later than usual (luckily, I have worked lots of extra...

Round Up! Again!

Here's about a dozen items of interest from the last few days . . . WHAT YOU'RE MISSING IF YOU AREN'T TUNING IN"To WYOU...

Round Up – A little less fired up today . . .

Catching up on a few things . . . CITY LOOKING FOR NEW PROGRAMS FOR THE HOMELESSWith all the talk at Community Services about...

Round Up – Brazen . . . and maddening.

Blood pressure raising issues below . . . I'm just not sure how many I can get to before I go to work...