Lengthy Monday Morning Round Up

Just like the city staff who have no time for downtown planning, zoning code rewrite and other important projects due to the Edgewater project,...

Baby Round Up

You're getting the quick round up today!EDGEWATERBlew their new timeline in less than 48 hours. Special Board of Estimates meeting on the 15th...

Round Up Catch Up

I did the Week Ahead for city and county yesterday, as well as caught up on the last county board meeting. So, this...

Wednesday Morning (Mardi Gras Hangover?) Morning

Not me. You?FEBRUARY WATER QUALITY REPORTWe all drink it and bathe in it, what's in it? My guess is we should all...

Tuesday Morning Round Up

Ok - here's a few more items of interest, as I try to keep caught up during the busy budget season . . ....

Edgewater TIF – Some facts to ponder.

I was sooooooooo disappointed on the lack of questions on TIF from the alders on Thursday night. It is very likely that most...

Tuesday (Edgewater Lite) Morning Round Up

My fingers are getting a rest this week! :) Perhaps I should get caught up on a few other posts that...

Silly City Edgewater Games

There is just no end to the insanity. This project is turning nearly every city process on it's head. Here's two more...

That Hotel Report

What can be learned if you actually read it? WHERE CAN YOU GET A COPY OF THE REPORT?I dunno.I tried Legistar, and I searched...

Lazy Friday Afternoon Round Up

There's so much out there today . . . county and city. No snow or Edgewater today, that'll be saved for Monday.WHERE'S THE...

Starting off a Short Week Round Up

A short, but action packed week ahead, here's a round up of issues going on . . . TERRENCE WALL KICKS OFF HIS CAMPAIGNWell,...

Board of Estimates Capital Budget Votes

Here's the votes and discussion on each of the Board of Estimates amendments 1 - 21. Amendments 21 - 27 including the Edgewater...