Monday Morning Round Up

Spinfest, ALRC favoritism - past and present, Mayor goes all out for the Edgewater and Mayor changing rules on Absent Without Pay leave and...

The Not Much Happening City and County Week Ahead

At the moment, I got, well, not much . . . you take a look . . . CITYThe city only has meetings on...

Very Sleepy (Short) Edgewater Council Recap

Well . . . This is going to be not up to par . . . Here's some numbers for you to help...

Edgewater Presentation at Landmarks

I was standing in the hallway for most of this . . . so . . . this will be a little bit briefer...

Edgewater Meetings Coming Up

What are we getting for public access for our $16M? Come find out . . . AT THE DEVELOPERS MEETING Date: January 5, 2010 Time: ...

Neighborhood issues with Edgewater Public Access Management

This is a partial list of issues . . . but others are in this post.

Yesterday’s Round Up

I should know better than to think I could quick get something done at work. There was no way I was going to...


Alot can be said about the the Edgewater project, but I'd start here. Worst. Public. Process. Ever.225 MEETINGS?Is that a...

Plan Commission Votes to Move Edgewater Forward

I missed all the public testimony, but have it tivo'd. I will do the questions the plan commission asked next, but I know people...

New Poll: Response?

So, I thought I should explain my new poll for those who may not know what its about. First of all, its just...

Some thoughts on the changes to the Edgewater TIF

Some quick thoughts on Soglin’s expected move to cut the TIF assistance for the Edgewater redevelopment.

(Late) Thursday Round Up

I've been on vacation this week, so that's why the blog has been a little sparse and erratic with the postings. Also, there...