Finally, the Edgewater Lobbying Complaint

Even tho the complaint form is actually only one page, there is over 100 pages of attachments to document and explain the situation. ...

5 Lobbying Complaints

Yup - I'm at it again. So far, I've only filed 5 lobbying complaints, all of them related to TIF applications or anticipated...

Rainy Saturday Weekly Round Up

We need the rain. I haven't been home on a weekend for quite some time and when I have been home, I've had...

Its Friday!!!

And I suck. I went to the Majestic last night for the Baghdad Scuba Review show and a beer or two . ....

Sad, Sorry State of Lobbying Reports

My visit to the clerks office yesterday was . . . depressing. I wish the city attorney would do his job, so the...

Partial Friday Round Up

Chamber later reports, TIF, Hotels, Bruer and other miscellaneous stuff . . . CHAMBER, DID THEY REALLY KNOW?A friend of mine sent me this...

Wednesday Round Up

There's so many things going on, looks like I'm going to do a mid-week round up as I continue to try to catch up...

Edgewater Presentation at Landmarks

I was standing in the hallway for most of this . . . so . . . this will be a little bit briefer...

Gloomy Friday Round Up!

Here it is, lets find out who got screwed this week! FEE SPEECHWhile we continue to talk about the impact of money in local...

The Badger Bus Depot Common Council Recap

GETTING IT STARTED Um . . . Bruer? Bruer? He wanders in, talking to everyone . . . and attempts to call...

Bad (Edgewater) Process

Ok - I'll try this one more time - more Edgewatermania. Sure, a developer can hold private meetings on their project. They just...

(Late) Thursday Round Up

I've been on vacation this week, so that's why the blog has been a little sparse and erratic with the postings. Also, there...