Very Sleepy (Short) Edgewater Council Recap

Well . . . This is going to be not up to par . . . Here's some numbers for you to help...

Monday Morning Round Up

Here's what I have for today . . . ON TARGETTarget project is moving forward. BEAT THE WINTER BLUES AND ALL THAT JAZZThese...

Council First Budget Discussion

People were supposed to talk about their priorities, of course they didn't, they never do. Instead, this is a briefing by the comptroller...

Tuesday Morning Round Up

Here's what I have this morning . . . seems skimpy after the monster round ups at the end of last week!SPECIAL SHOWS ON...

So, What’d the UDC decide on the Edgewater Last Night?

I. Don't. Know. I was there, I heard it, but I don't know what it means. Some said they punted,...

Quick Round Up

There will be a complete capital budget rundown tomorrow. Meanwhile, here's a few tidbits to chew on . . . Badger Herald fact check,...

(Late) Thursday Round Up

I've been on vacation this week, so that's why the blog has been a little sparse and erratic with the postings. Also, there...

That Hotel Report

What can be learned if you actually read it? WHERE CAN YOU GET A COPY OF THE REPORT?I dunno.I tried Legistar, and I searched...

Edgewater TIF Questions

Here's the TIF questions that I came up with and wish the council members would have asked last Thursday based on the info I...

Holy About Face!

Hold on to you hats, I'm about to say something nice about the Edgewater.. Actually, two things nice.First, the old news. When I...

Edgewater . . . the complications begin . . .

Those of us closer to the project have realized the swampy set of complicated issues that the Edgewater needs to wade through . ....

Plan Commission Discussion on Edgewater Process

Last night the Plan Commission discussed scheduling their discussion on the Edgewater . . . Brad Murphy (Planning) started out by attempting to explain...