Hammes/Edgewater Message to Supporters

Rally the troops, log in to madison.com, show up tonight . . . just helping spread the word! :)Actually, it is interesting to...

So, What’d the UDC decide on the Edgewater Last Night?

I. Don't. Know. I was there, I heard it, but I don't know what it means. Some said they punted,...

Edgewater TIF Questions

Here's the TIF questions that I came up with and wish the council members would have asked last Thursday based on the info I...

Edgewater Law Changes & Ethics Violation- Board of Public Works.

What a bizarre meeting. No alder/sponsor of the changes was present to speak to the issue. The super important can't live without...

Edgewater TIF – Some facts to ponder.

I was sooooooooo disappointed on the lack of questions on TIF from the alders on Thursday night. It is very likely that most...

Squirrely Common Council Recap

Ok - early morning blogger's fact finding mission complete. Back to blogging . . . The Council was getting a little uppity last...

Tuesday Morning Round Up

Here's what I have this morning . . . seems skimpy after the monster round ups at the end of last week!SPECIAL SHOWS ON...

Two Extra Edgewater Meetings This Week

I attempted to find all the Edgewater meetings for the week and posted them here, but here are two more. Sort of. One...

Monday Morning Round Up – Yes, there is more!

Well, after the 5 part round up this weekend, I'm surprised I have more . . . but I do . . .ROUNDING...

Edgewater Round Up from Last Week (Kinda Long . . . Sorry)

Part V in the Mother of all Round Ups! This includes the items of interest from the Council briefing (mini recap) to open...

Edgewatery Goodness Week Ahead (Updated)

For those of you trying to follow the crazy Edgewater schedule . . . Additional meetings added after this was posted are here. Last...

Suspiciously Light (City) Week Ahead

Only a total of 14 meetings listed . . . so far . . . Monday, February 1, 201012:00 PM MADISON BOARD...