Monday Morning Round Up

Lots to comment on . . . not just the Edgewater . . . MADISON SCHOOLS GET VISIT FROM POCAN AND MILLERLast Monday they...

Common Council Recap – The Basics

A report, from citizen reporter Konkel! ;) GETTING STARTEDThe meeting started around 6:38, Mayor was in the chair since before 6:30, but it...

Hammes/Edgewater Message to Supporters

Rally the troops, log in to, show up tonight . . . just helping spread the word! :)Actually, it is interesting to...

Partial Friday Round Up

Chamber later reports, TIF, Hotels, Bruer and other miscellaneous stuff . . . CHAMBER, DID THEY REALLY KNOW?A friend of mine sent me this...

Edgewater: Denied! (Final)

It was a 7 hour meeting . . . I missed the first three hours, which consisted of 1.5 hours to 2 hours of...

Last Round Up of the Week.

I'm likely not going to post for the next three or four days . . . maybe. We'll see what's going on...

Catching Up with the Round Up . . . (Part II) (Final)

Ok - here's the final of what I have for today . . . there is still much more that has piled up ....

Edgewater . . . the complications begin . . .

Those of us closer to the project have realized the swampy set of complicated issues that the Edgewater needs to wade through . ....

Round Up – A little less fired up today . . .

Catching up on a few things . . . CITY LOOKING FOR NEW PROGRAMS FOR THE HOMELESSWith all the talk at Community Services about...

Catching Up on the Edgewater (Final)

If you haven't been obsessed with the Edgewater for the last two weeks, the last you might have heard was the Council rejected to...

Edgewatery Goodness Week Ahead (Updated)

For those of you trying to follow the crazy Edgewater schedule . . . Additional meetings added after this was posted are here. Last...

CC Recap – 600 East Johnson

Tear down 11 houses and build 3 big buildings on E Johnson Street? Sure, screw the neighborhood plan . . . if we...