I’m baaack . . . The Mother of All Round Ups (Part IV)

Ok, this has the rest of the week, minus the Edgewater and then, I think, I'm caught up and read through mostly all my...

I’m baaack . . . The Mother of All Round Ups (Part III)

Ok, now there is going to be a likely smaller part IV, for everything except the Edgewater . . . that's next in part...

I’m baaack . . . The Mother of All Round Ups (Part II)

Ok - here's part II, I'm not too focused today, expect a part III plus a part IV on the Edgewater . ....

I’m baaack . . . The Mother of All Round Ups (Part I)

A whole week's worth, so some of it will be stale, some of it not. It's kinda random what made cut one, still...

Edgewater Cover Up? (Error Corrected)

Ok, maybe? Not sure. It could be minor one, or it might be of great interest?Giggle, that got you to read this,...

Monday’s Bad News Friday

The Mayor's office and by extension the city, always puts out its bad news on Friday. And the later in the day, the...

THIS WEEK: Edgewater Lakefront Setback & TIF Law Changes

People are wondering when and how to give input on the Edgewater.  I say, early and often, but definitely this week! The law to...

Edgewater Meetings Scheduled for This Week

For those trying to keep track as this issue makes its way to the February 23rd Council meeting . . . or not. Monday,...

Brenda’s On Vacation (City) Week Ahead

You're on your own . . . kinda . . . I'll maybe be back on Thursday night for the Council meeting on Edgewater...

Dane County Board Recap (Majority Complete)

Here you go . . . a quick recap! Hookahs! And controversial Falk appointment Peter McKeever to the Capital Area Regional Planning...

Edgewater: Middle of the Night, Take 5 or 6, Day Late, $16M Skating Rink...

They Urban Design Commission didn't even get started on the Edgewater until after 9:00 and ended after 1:00. So, you're getting a bullet...

Surprise! Random End of the Day Round Up!

I had some "extra" time this evening I wasn't anticipating, so . . . here it is!IT'S 9:15 AND . . . Edgewater is...