Common Council Organizational Committee – A preview of Issue to Come to Council

The CCOC committee is all alders, so discussions here are typically a preview of things to come. Topics on the agenda include residency,...

Sad, Sorry State of Lobbying Reports

My visit to the clerks office yesterday was . . . depressing. I wish the city attorney would do his job, so the...

EEEE Round Up: Everything Else Except the Edgewater

That title sounds like it should be sung to the tune from "All Along the Watchtower" . . . but yes, there are other...

Hmmm . . . Rescheduled (Edgewater) Council Meeting?

This, could be interesting . . . and convenient. Perhaps Palm and Schumacher will be back . . . but who else might...

Wednesday Round Up

Today is Friday for me, as I get to enjoy another 4 day weekend (Steel Bridge Music Festival in Door County!), then panic when...

I Can’t Wait!!! Round Up (Final)

Silly, I know, but for those of us on the sidelines, this is like the superbowl.EDGEWATER: IT'S DO OR DIE TIMEGeek Alert: I...

Wednesday Round Up

Here's what I have for today!SOGLIN V CLEARI can't believe Clear thought this was a good idea. Soglin pwned Clear. And, while...

Why is there no development in the E. Washington Corridor

I left last night's meeting to update stakeholders on the progress in the E. Washington corridor agitated to say the least. This isn't...

New Poll: Response?

So, I thought I should explain my new poll for those who may not know what its about. First of all, its just...

Edgewater Meetings Scheduled for This Week

For those trying to keep track as this issue makes its way to the February 23rd Council meeting . . . or not. Monday,...

The Mike Verveer is at Mardi Gras (City) Week Ahead!

Hey Mister, Toss me some beads! :) Sorry, I couldn't resist. 24! meetings so far for next week!Monday, February 15, 20108:00...

Rummel’s District Round Up!

I don't usually do this, but Alder Marsha Rummel did a good job of talking about some of the many issues going on in...