New Edgewater Schedule? (UPDATED! NOW CHANGED!)

Don't blink you'll miss it. The new/amended TIF and land use applications may fly by in 9 days.Yesterday, the Council got this email:From:...

More Ho Chunk/Union Corners News

From, an unnamed source . . . some more points this person thought were of interest: 1. Ho-Chunk does not plan to need any...

Slow Thursday Morning Round Up

Alright, a little late, but still up by 10:30ish . . . luckily, it would have been a 11 hour work day...

Edgewater – The Neighborhood Presentation

This post is part 3 of a series that starts here, and it will be much shorter because the neighborhood was given less time,...

It’s About Integrity

David and Leigh Mollenhoff's advice to council members . . . In an email entitled "Tell 'em to vote 'no" then sent this note:Dear...

Still Recovering from Monday Round Up

I don't know why I think I can work an 8 hour day and spend 8 hours in meetings and still get blogging done....


Alot can be said about the the Edgewater project, but I'd start here. Worst. Public. Process. Ever.225 MEETINGS?Is that a...

$16M is a lot of clams!

So, what can be learned from reading the TIF Application for the Edgewater? And what will the public be getting? ...

Late Wednesday Morning Round Up – Or, Really, Thursday Morning Round Up

I'm slackin' again . . . my bad. There's just so much going on and so little time! THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TARGET AND...

The It’s October Already (City only) Week Ahead

Lots going on, not much earth shattering, just moving the boulder further up hill . . . will be interesting to see what shows...

Hammes/Edgewater Appeals Landmarks Decision

Get Ready for a Loooooooonnnnnnngggggg Tuesday Night . . . .Here's the letter sent to the clerk.

How Edgewater TIF affects more than just the Edgewater

In anticipation of the Board of Estimates discussion this evening, check out what it does to the neighborhoods and what about the school budgets?...