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Any topic related to education or an institution of learning.

Cities and Schools working Together

A former City Council member sent me this article about how Portland is spending spending $1.6 million to keep poorer kids in their schools....
Madison Schools Week Ahead

Madison Schools Week Ahead

5 meetings this week!

Wisconsin Primary Election Day – August 9th

In what seems like is happening almost monthly in WI, another election day is upon us. Tuesday August 9th is the partisan primary...

Monona Grove School Board.

A quick introduction: I have lived in the Monona Grove School district for 7 years now and Wisconsin most of my life. I...

Week of July 6th

Dylan and Brenda run down what's happening this week in local government

Things Going On Around Town Round Up

Not a media round up - but a round up of various emails I get about events, presentations, input sessions, etc.
Madison Schools Week Ahead

Madison Schools Week Ahead

Agendas for Madison Public Schools, One City and Isthmus Montesorri Academy. Once again, just kidding!!! This is only for Madison Schools who actually post their...
school board committee agendas

Madison School District Week Ahead 10-5-20

Meetings and referenda town halls and information sessions.

Sickly News Round Up

If you've seen me lately, you may have noticed I"ve been unusually quiet (except for the terrible hacking cough) . . . cuz I pretty much lost my voice and have been sick for the last two weeks.


Tonight the the Cottage Grove Plan Commission, will be discussing the impending CVS pharmacy with representatives from CVS showing up to present their...

So Who Won?

How did all those groups that made endorsements do? Who can expect support for their issues on the Council (and elsewhere)?

Teacher Appreciation

From My email inbox: If you love to cook/bake you may already know Penzeys, the wonderful Wisc-based spice and herb store. Their newest catalog...