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Sundays Community Meeting

Hope to see everyone Sunday, March 27, 3-4:30 Monona Grove High School Commons 4400 Monona Drive, Monona How did we get here? What do we anticipate with the...

Bad Aldering & Misleading on Edgewater TIF

I sat through the Landmarks Committee meeting yesterday, and it was hard to stay in my seat and keep my mouth shut. I was stunned by the misinformation my own alder gave the committee about capital budget requests and the Edgewater TIF plan the council is voting on tonight.

No School Board Races this Spring?

Seriously? Two open seats, only two candidates. Congratulations to Marj Passman and Ed Hughes on their impending wins to replace Lawrie Kobza...

Good Meeting Tweet, Brings Bad Journalism

Apparently in today's Wisconsin, random "tweets" are now what is classified as news! We have one of the most extreme budgets in our...

The People’s Mic!

Tonight, finally, The Mic 92.1 FM, is making a commitment to local programming again. I actually pretty much boycotted the station...


I received this in my email today and wanted to share it for a couple of reasons. The first is do not get...

TIF tiff – Give the companies as much as they want?

Dualing TIF committees and other issues. Yeah, live blogged again. This is the EDC subcommittee on TIF. For the geeks, and...

Advertising in Schools

The role and appropriateness of advertising in our society leave much room for debate - buses and billboards - to name a couple issues....

Scott Walker Just Cut Your Pay

If your in education! Cross Posted @bloggingblue: I wrote earlier about Scott Walker's latest attack on teachers. This morning Katy Lounsbury was on SLY...

Brenda’s Going to be on TV!

Eh, big deal, right? You've seen me on TV before, but not like this . . . MY LITTLE PROJECTI took a camera...

Round Up!

What's been happening lately in the news, and other things you should know.

Maxwell John Love: On the Budget and the UW

It's tied to the Walker stuff. An important read.