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Vote Andy Jorgensen!

Due to redistricting, which was done unethically and in complete secrecy, and is now costing Wisconsin taxpayers close to $2,000,000 that could have been...

An Open Letter to National Conservative Groups from Wisconsin’s Liberal Bloggers

To: Chris Chocola, Club for Growth The Honorable Jim DeMint, junior Senator from the Great State of South Carolina It is with great disappointment that we...

A Drug(store) Problem in Cottage Grove…

The Cottage Grove Planning Commission recently approved the plans for the new CVs/caremark in Cottage Grove, "with almost no debate." ...

Thursday Morning Links

As the kids start school today there will be lots of "Scott Walker has saved our schools" misinformation running around the right wing airwaves....

Vicki McKenna Banned in Cottage Grove!!

Recently, the Cottage Grove village board passed a resolution calling for civil public discourse. Their resolution no. 2011-07, A...

TIF Primer for City Staff, New Alders and YOU!

Board of Estimates started out last night with a TIF presentation . . . and it wasn't by the you-just-love-to-hate-him TIF Coordinator Joe Gromacki,...

What the People of Wisconsin Want to Cut

I have brought up this poll before, but it is worth repeating as we brace for the Governor's Budget speech Tuesday at 4pm. A November...

Petition to Stop Voucher Schools!

Rep Melissa Sargent has started a petition to STOP Voucher School Expansion! The petition is here! Please Sign!

Long Weekend Round Up

I have another day off, can't let my vacation build up like it did for years, so I'm trying to use it a little...

Teacher Appreciation

From My email inbox: If you love to cook/bake you may already know Penzeys, the wonderful Wisc-based spice and herb store. Their newest catalog...

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Round Up

Bad blogging week for me, internet and webhosting issues - so here's the round up that has a little older news included.

Monona Grove School Board.

A quick introduction: I have lived in the Monona Grove School district for 7 years now and Wisconsin most of my life. I...