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Thurs. – MLK Day Round Up

You'd think 5 days of news would be quite the challenge but besides the Packers and MLK day, there's not really that much.

Today’s Must Read

Comes from Dave Zweifel at the Cap Times, with a brilliant way to save money in WI. This kind of vicious...

Edgewater Round Up

Big vote today! If this doesn't pass the Joint Review Board, the funding won't happen.

Obama Holds Your Bike Hostage!

Well, not really . . . but a good notice below about where NOT to park bikes (and cars) while he is in town.

School Board Decision on Edgewater TIF

Brief. I got the feeling they were threatened with a law suit or something by their lack of discussion. And, despite previous...

Monday Morning Round Up

Here's my weekend round up of local news and other items. Enjoy!

Round Up Resumes

The holidays made for weird news, so I didn't want to resume yesterday with the rounds, so I'm starting today and will try to do it several times a week if not daily. I'm only going to do local politics, so until the student papers resume printing, it might be a little sparse.

Call to Stop Parachute Jump in Middleton

Veterans Call for Cancellation of Planned Middleton High School Paratrooper Parachute Drop into Student Pep Assembly Veterans for Peace (VFP) is calling...

Be the Media!

I'm not kidding. You can be the media . . . radio, tv, blog . . . your choice! It kind of sucks to...

What Did You Do On Summer Vacation?

While I worked, we were able to get away for a family vacation in Hayward, WI. Monona Grove School District teacher Brent Schacht...

This Side of Town, the TV Version

Well, I survived my first taping, learned a lot, got over my nervousnesss and am thinking about continuing, but now its time for you...

TIF “Discussion” – Live blog kinda.

Oh boy - I got here a little late . . . and the room is packed, they are taking more public testimony - I'm on the floor in the hallway . . . again. Can't see the committee, but can hear . . . .