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Progressive Dane Members

6 of 6! All Progressive Dane Candidate with Primaries Move On!

So, many of my blog readers know that I am the co-chair of Progressive Dane and the chair of their elections committee. Normally, when there isn't a county board meeting about the jail, I'd be posting election results as they come in. Today, I'm way far behind, but for the record, it went well!

Bad Aldering & Misleading on Edgewater TIF

I sat through the Landmarks Committee meeting yesterday, and it was hard to stay in my seat and keep my mouth shut. I was stunned by the misinformation my own alder gave the committee about capital budget requests and the Edgewater TIF plan the council is voting on tonight.

The actual story – MGSD

Recently, the Keep scott walker in power campaign funded largely by out of state special interests, ran an ad where he used a...

Care about Poverty? Three Important Meetings You Should Not Miss

So much political activism necessary . . . I hope some folks can step up and attend some of these events in the next two weeks and get involved in these important initiatives!


I received this in my email today and wanted to share it for a couple of reasons. The first is do not get...

Round Up Resumes

The holidays made for weird news, so I didn't want to resume yesterday with the rounds, so I'm starting today and will try to do it several times a week if not daily. I'm only going to do local politics, so until the student papers resume printing, it might be a little sparse.

This Side of Town, the TV Version

Well, I survived my first taping, learned a lot, got over my nervousnesss and am thinking about continuing, but now its time for you...

Drug Sniffing Dogs in our Schools?

Could be . . . have an opinion, take the survey! It'll only take a minute - seriously. Do you support the use of...

Public Input and Access

That's a pretty boring title for a pretty boring subject, unless you think that your voice should be heard in local government . ....

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Round Up

Bad blogging week for me, internet and webhosting issues - so here's the round up that has a little older news included.

School Board Discusses Edgewater TIF

It was a brief discussion, happening at the same time as the Council "briefing" on TIF, but interesting in that they seem to think...

More Not in the News Round Up

Still catching up on my long list of blogging topics . . . so here some more things you should know that I didn't get to yesterday! More for the "good news" portion of the blog!