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Any topic related to education or an institution of learning.

Keep downtown schools open!

Note: I'm not an expert on school issues by far, and I'm still trying to catch up on all of the issues regarding the...

Thursday Morning Round Up

Here's what I found for this morning . . . two days of info

High Speed Rail Meeting a.k.a. Madisonians Behaving Badly

I really believe there is something in that east side water that doesn't belong there. Well, that's not fair, there were people there...

Public Input and Access

That's a pretty boring title for a pretty boring subject, unless you think that your voice should be heard in local government . ....

School Budget Hearings Coming Up

Community members will have the opportunity in three upcoming sessions to learn more about and give feedback on the proposed preliminary Madison School District...

State Journal Blows It!

What? Try again!

TGIF Round Up

Sadly, it'll be more than an 8 hour day . . . and . . . I'm on the radio (Mitch's show) at 9:00 with Blaska . . . and Jed Sanborn.

Recap of School Board Discussion on Edgewater TIF

I don't think I've ever watched an entire school board meeting. It was . . . different. I'd say the...

Monday Morning Round Up

Bad news Friday Review along with other things that happened in the last three days . . . and some items of interest coming...

It is Thursday, So Here’s a Round Up

You know the routine . . .

Drug Sniffing Dogs in our Schools?

Could be . . . have an opinion, take the survey! It'll only take a minute - seriously. Do you support the use of...

Live Blog of the Common Council Meeting, Part IV (Final)

12:55, 26 more speakers . . . no breaks!Dennis Davidsaver lives and works downtown, asks them to follow laws and look at benefits and...