
Any topic related to education or an institution of learning.

Madison Schools Week Ahead

Madison Schools Week Ahead

Will they or won't they? Police in Schools? This is it folks . . . the contract is before them.

Ethics Complaint Filed Against School Board President

Today, three former elected officials filed an ethics complaint against School Board President Gloria Reyes because she had a conflict of interest when she voted for the police in schools.


I was listening to WIBA-AM recently (Here and here)and the President-select of Cottage Grove was on Mitch Henck's show(I am not sure why...
Round Up

Round Up

Almost 20 different things in my email inbox I think readers of this blog might be interested in!  Cuz I can't make 20 more blogs than the ones I already do . . . 

No issues with schools and youth in Madison?

Imagine if there was a committee where school board members, county board supervisors, city alderpersons and the community came together to discuss how to improve the lives of young people in Madison and Dane County. How powerful could that be? And why did former Mayor Paul Soglin and former School Superintendent Jen Cheatam, along with now School Board President Gloria Reyes keep trying to reign in that committee? Now that they are free . . . what could they be?
Round Up

Thursday Round Up and Mo’ Meetings

Mo' meetings, news and very little extra to add today. With Rosh Hashanah, budget, flooding and Koval's retirement, seems like there is room for little else!

Vicki Mckenna’s Peer Group

I recently wrote an article about why I personally left the Catholic Church. What summed it all up to me, was a...
ethics definition

School Board President Gloria Reyes Ethics Violation?

Tis the week to blog about ethics violations by current/former law enforcement! This one seems blatantly obvious!!!! And from the School Board President no less.
Round Up

Weekend & Monday Round Up (10/1/19) & Mo’ Meetings

Skipped yesterday, trying to catch up - here's what I have.

We have a new Superintendent of Madison Schools

In a note from Arlene Silveira last night I learned: The Madison Board of Ed has unanimously selected Dr. Daniel Nerad to be the...
Madison Schools Week Ahead

Madison Schools Week Ahead

Interviewing consulting firms Superintendent Search.
Round Up

Weekend Round Up

Weekend news and news buried on Friday (usually bad news), Decarceration community panel discussion and several other community events.