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Any topic related to education or an institution of learning.

Manski Out.

Groan. Um, would have been nice to know this three days ago - in the interest of "honesty and transparency". And democracy. And...

Michael Brickman!

The fact that the state of education has deteriorated since Scott Walker has been in power can be summed up in two words -...

Permit Occassionally Required!

As the Cartoonish Chief Erwin sends his minions all over the state to issue tickets for singing in the Capitol, (purportedly for gathering in...


Governor Walker promised us(among other things) that his administration would help create 250,000 jobs. After two years(of a four year term) the...

Let The Battle’s Begin!

Today, the newest Wisconsin legislature will be sworn in and then they get to work(which is good because the Wisconsin legislature has not worked...

Check Out All the Candidates!

So far, the only unopposed Alders are . . . Verveer, Bidar-Sielaff, King, Schmidt, Weier and Clear and two walk-ons Maurice Cheeks and Denise DeMarb. But the deadline is today so we'll see if that changes. And there aren't as many retirements as once expected - only Maniaci, Solomon, Rhodes-Conway and Jill Johnson stepping down.

Be Careful Who Your “Friends” Are!

I recently attended the Educate to Elevate Conference in Madison, and I was very skeptical going in. While I left the conference just...

View from Outside the Bubble!

When I first started with Forwardlookout, we brought you the stories of how Sunny Schubert writes a local column disguised as public interest, in...

Elevating our Education Before we Educate to Elevate!

December 6 and 7 in Madison there is an education summit at Monona Terrace: Educate to Elevate is an education series that brings together local...

Worst. Column. EVER!

By now everyone knows that Scott Walker promised as part of his campaign, that he would "create" 250,000 jobs. "get government out...

Vote Andy Jorgensen!

Due to redistricting, which was done unethically and in complete secrecy, and is now costing Wisconsin taxpayers close to $2,000,000 that could have been...

TIF tiff – Give the companies as much as they want?

Dualing TIF committees and other issues. Yeah, live blogged again. This is the EDC subcommittee on TIF. For the geeks, and...