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Any topic related to education or an institution of learning.

Monkeys and Ethics

Um, this has nothing to do with the Overture.

Tuesday Morning Round Up

All the news you can . . . I was going to say use . . . but I'm not sure some of it is all that useful. Here's what I've got.

I’m Sick (and Tired) Round Up

Why do I have a cold this time of the year? This is stupid. Anyways, slept in since I worked til 11:00 last night, so my blogging will be slow this morning.

Multi-Media Brenda

Blogging, TV show and now . . . Radio.

80 Degrees Today? Round Up

First day of fall . . . 80 degrees! Must be too hot for the news . . . so I'll make my own.

Edgewater TIF Expansion “Suboptimal Choices”

There just "wasn't enough time to do it right" so it barely passes with a 3 - 3 tie with the Mayor breaking the tie. The proposal is more messed up than usual. And I think that puts it more in jeopardy than I had imagined. Contains BK comments.

Tuesday Morning Round Up

Relevant local news I can find, plus state and "not in the news" news . . .

Elevators Woes Update . . .

Tonight's TIF Joint Review Board meeting moved . . . .

Another reason Greyhound really sucks . . .

Ok, its not often I think about motorcycle parking, but this is kinda annoying. Greyhound moved around so much, bumped parking and now doesn't even need the space since they moved. I don't even know where they are any more. Anyways, more than you need to know about motorcycle parking and Greyhound. This is also on the Transit and Parking Commission Agenda.

Madison School Board Illegal Meetings

Yesterday  i blogged about illegal County Board meetings.  Today, Madison School Board.
school board committee agendas

Madison Area Schools Week Ahead 4/13/20

I no longer have faith that anything I write about the schools will be correct.  Here's what they claim is their legal notice for meetings this week.

Week of August 10, 2020

Brenda Konkel and Dylan Brogan discuss what is up in the week ahead in local government meetings.