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Any topic related to education or an institution of learning.

You gotta be kidding me . . .

Madison Prep wants another vote in February. Smells like an elections stunt to me. I really wish instead of cramming their ideas...

Week of 5/18/20

Important meetings and agenda items this week in Madison, Dane County and the Madison school district. With Forward Lookout's Brenda Konkel and WORT's Dylan Brogan

Why Cottage Grove Desperately Needs a Library!

So the people in the village who so adamantly oppose the library, will not make a fool of themselves when they try and write...

Advertising in Schools

The role and appropriateness of advertising in our society leave much room for debate - buses and billboards - to name a couple issues....

View from Outside the Bubble!

When I first started with Forwardlookout, we brought you the stories of how Sunny Schubert writes a local column disguised as public interest, in...

Quick Notes from Airport Meeting on Noise

Thanks to Mary Jo Walters who attended the Airport meeting and took these notes and photos! Airport paid homeowners $2,000 for easements years ago saying they are ok with the noise . . . end of story?

School Budget Hearings Coming Up

Community members will have the opportunity in three upcoming sessions to learn more about and give feedback on the proposed preliminary Madison School District...
Round Up

Round Up

Almost 20 different things in my email inbox I think readers of this blog might be interested in!  Cuz I can't make 20 more blogs than the ones I already do . . . 
Round Up

Weekend Round Up (10/7/19) & Mo’ Meetings

News, events, updates from the city and more!
madison area schools week ahead

Madison Area Schools Week Ahead

Another closed session, renaming Glendale after Virginia Henderson, Badger Rock Charter Renewal and more.
school board committee agendas

Madison Areas Schools Week Ahead 2/10/20

More closed session meetings, operations work group meeting and City Education Committee meets.
school board committee agendas

Madison Area Schools Week Ahead 6/29/20

Voting to "terminate the MMSD School Resource Officer contract effective immediately." budget, employee handbook and hiring new superintendent.