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Three Days In a Row Round Up!

Overture, Library and High Speed Rail meetings last night . . . and Radomski and Brandon announce for Mayor and County Exec . ....

Weekend Round Up

Try as I might, I haven't gotten back into the daily grind of doing the daily round up, but I'm going to try again this week, there is so much going on, that I haven't been able to keep up with!

Monkeys and Ethics

Um, this has nothing to do with the Overture.

City Property Values Higher Than Expected

By $11M. So even with the Board of Estimate changes, that's an increase of 4.93%, not 4.99% so the council has more room to raise taxes if they are going to stay within the 5% limit the Mayor unilaterally set for them. It should help the county and school board a bit too. Here's the details:

A Comment, On Comments,

I moderate some of the comments on Forward Lookout, and there are some that do not get through, let's review why . . .

Round Up!

What's been happening lately in the news, and other things you should know.

November Elections: What’s At Risk?

It seems like more than ever!

Tuesday Morning Round Up

Trying to keep up with the round up this week!

Edgewater Round Up

Big vote today! If this doesn't pass the Joint Review Board, the funding won't happen.

Did Anything Happen Yesterday Besides the President’s Visit Round Up

Four city meetings cancelled, but most not til yesterday, but they still had the Library Meeting, the Overture Meeting and the Emerald Ash Borer...

School Board Decision on Edgewater TIF

Brief. I got the feeling they were threatened with a law suit or something by their lack of discussion. And, despite previous...

State Journal Blows It!

What? Try again!