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MMSD No Vote on Edgewater TIF Recommended

This isn't a surprise, but the agenda for Monday's Board of Education meeting includes a recommendation from the administration to instruct their rep on...

Obama Holds Your Bike Hostage!

Well, not really . . . but a good notice below about where NOT to park bikes (and cars) while he is in town.

80 Degrees Today? Round Up

First day of fall . . . 80 degrees! Must be too hot for the news . . . so I'll make my own.

Tuesday Morning Round Up

All the news you can . . . I was going to say use . . . but I'm not sure some of it is all that useful. Here's what I've got.

Bad Aldering & Misleading on Edgewater TIF

I sat through the Landmarks Committee meeting yesterday, and it was hard to stay in my seat and keep my mouth shut. I was stunned by the misinformation my own alder gave the committee about capital budget requests and the Edgewater TIF plan the council is voting on tonight.

Sickly News Round Up

If you've seen me lately, you may have noticed I"ve been unusually quiet (except for the terrible hacking cough) . . . cuz I pretty much lost my voice and have been sick for the last two weeks.

Edgewater TIF Expansion “Suboptimal Choices”

There just "wasn't enough time to do it right" so it barely passes with a 3 - 3 tie with the Mayor breaking the tie. The proposal is more messed up than usual. And I think that puts it more in jeopardy than I had imagined. Contains BK comments.

I’m Sick (and Tired) Round Up

Why do I have a cold this time of the year? This is stupid. Anyways, slept in since I worked til 11:00 last night, so my blogging will be slow this morning.

Be the Media!

I'm not kidding. You can be the media . . . radio, tv, blog . . . your choice! It kind of sucks to...

Wednesday News Round Up

A little more news today . . .

Monday Morning Round Up

Here's my weekend round up of local news and other items. Enjoy!

TIF “Discussion” – Live blog kinda.

Oh boy - I got here a little late . . . and the room is packed, they are taking more public testimony - I'm on the floor in the hallway . . . again. Can't see the committee, but can hear . . . .