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This Side of Town, the TV Version

Well, I survived my first taping, learned a lot, got over my nervousnesss and am thinking about continuing, but now its time for you...

Brenda’s Going to be on TV!

Eh, big deal, right? You've seen me on TV before, but not like this . . . MY LITTLE PROJECTI took a camera...

Recap of School Board Discussion on Edgewater TIF

I don't think I've ever watched an entire school board meeting. It was . . . different. I'd say the...

How Will the Schools Fill their $30M Budget Problem?

They need to hear from you! You may have read some proposals about this in the State Journal (and here) or Channel 3...

Monday Morning Round Up

Bad news Friday Review along with other things that happened in the last three days . . . and some items of interest coming...

The (School Board) Week Ahead . . .

Kinda . . . a little . . . I thought this sounded interesting:Pocan and Miller will speak Monday 11/30 - Agenda of the...

Blaska Out of Touch?

So, I went to the meeting about the "code of conduct" on the SW side expecting people to rail against "those people" on Section...

School Budget Hearings Coming Up

Community members will have the opportunity in three upcoming sessions to learn more about and give feedback on the proposed preliminary Madison School District...

School District Progress Report

Thanks to Arlene for keeping us informed! MMSD Board of Education Progress Report – March, 2009It is a busy time for the School...

School Board Update.

Thanks to Arlene Silveira for these updates!MMSD Board of Education Progress Report – January, 2009Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a restful...

Public Input and Access

That's a pretty boring title for a pretty boring subject, unless you think that your voice should be heard in local government . ....

Advertising in Schools

The role and appropriateness of advertising in our society leave much room for debate - buses and billboards - to name a couple issues....