
Any topic related to education or an institution of learning.

Worst. Column. EVER!

By now everyone knows that Scott Walker promised as part of his campaign, that he would "create" 250,000 jobs. "get government out...
Madison Schools Week Ahead

Madison Schools Week Ahead

1 meeting with a meet and greet in advance.

The Governors “tools” and the President’s “stimulus”.

Governor Walker has been in office for just a few months and they have been an eventful few months. Before he even took...
Madison Schools Week Ahead

Madison Schools Week Ahead

F-35s resolution and Labor Agreements, plus referendum? And three other meetings this week.

Let The Battle’s Begin!

Today, the newest Wisconsin legislature will be sworn in and then they get to work(which is good because the Wisconsin legislature has not worked...

Why Teachers Need a Union – Part 2

I posted before some examples why teachers need a union. From Idaho we get another case study! A high school science teacher in Idaho is...
Madison Schools Week Ahead

Madison Schools Week Ahead


Singing for the 1st

Advertisements contain the only truths to be relied on in a newspaper. ~Thomas Jefferson, letter to Nathaniel Macon One thing that is common place...

View from Outside the Bubble!

When I first started with Forwardlookout, we brought you the stories of how Sunny Schubert writes a local column disguised as public interest, in...

D-Day for Public Education

Today is the day that we have been discussing for weeks. Today is the day that the legislature starts discussing public school...

New Rule – part 2.

This should be a given, but here goes. New Rule - Staff from really bad politicians make really bad politicians! While there are...

City, County and Schools Week Ahead

4 city meetings, 1 county, 0 Schools