
Any topic related to education or an institution of learning.

Madison Schools Week Ahead

Madison Schools Week Ahead

From the MMSD legal notice. Hiring a Consulting firm to work with the permanent Superintendent Search Process and 2 (or 3?) other meetings

Why Teachers Need a Union –

Now that Act10 has been enacted making it next to impossible for teachers to bargain teachers are going to be left vulnerable. ...

Privatization Pirates!

Watching Captain Phillips recently, my wife turned to me and said "I've found someone who has a harder job than I do". I...
Madison Schools Week Ahead

Madison Schools Week Ahead

5 meetings this week!

City, County and Schools Week Ahead

4 city meetings, 1 county, 0 Schools

Spring 2011 Election Endorsements

The Spring 2011 sample Ballot is out and its time for my spring endorsements for the local election. 1. Wisconsin State Supreme...

Elizabeth Coppola in the 21st!

Elizabeth Coppola In the 21st! Our public schools depend on it! Broken deals, petulant behavior, single-minded focus on an extreme social...

So Who Won?

How did all those groups that made endorsements do? Who can expect support for their issues on the Council (and elsewhere)?
Madison Schools Week Ahead

Madison Schools Week Ahead

Madison School District, One City and IMA agendas. Just 3 meetings and all on Monday.

Local Government News Round Up

I'm catching up from taking a break from email for a long weekend, so I've missed a bit and I'm behind, so I thought I'd share because I'm guessing others are in my boat!  This is last week and the holiday weekend local government news updates.

The Voucher Scam!

The truth of school Vouchers is slowly starting to come out and its not pretty. While Scott Walker, Robin Vos, et...

That Was Then, This is Now!

Madison Radio Hate sqwuacker Vicki Mckenna, appears to be trying to bring back the Monkees song from 1986. Which is actually a nice...