Slow News Week Thursday

The slow news week continues, so I have to make my own . . . luckily I have some material you won't be reading...

County Board Recap – Basics

Yup - that's not a typo, I know I make lots of typos, but its really the County Board recap. 7 Swine Flu...

Worst. Column. EVER!

By now everyone knows that Scott Walker promised as part of his campaign, that he would "create" 250,000 jobs. "get government out...

Lake Levels will be Voted on Tonight

County Board will be discussing the lake levels tonight. Which reminds us all again of the issues with the lakes and makes one...

Board of Estimates – Council preview of a few issues

Often, what happens at Board of Estimates is considered to be a preview of what will happen at the Common Council . . ....

Dane County Executive poll

The Spring Primary is less than a week away. With the questions surrounding the poll released by Joe Parisi's campaign, I thought...

Friday Round Up . . .

Ex-alder gives advice to colleagues, Olinger leaving the city, kudos to public health, Kailin service, Brews for WYOU, Homeless Memorial Day, composting, and more,...

County Board Recap

Not much on the agenda, but here it is for what it is worth . . . all 74 pages and 55 minutes.A....

Make The Magic

One of my favorite charities - Camp Kesem - UW Madison, is having their annual fundraiser - Make the Magic. Make the...