Two Americas

I'm not a Democrat. I'm a member of the Green Party but . . . it's hard to ignore this. When is...

Dr. King – Still, oh so relevant today.

I bolded some eerily-relevant-and-similar-to-today portions of his speech below. Thanks to Eugene Farley for passing this along and the websites that make his...

Salvation Army – Doesn’t want our money?

Sometimes I think the Salvation Army gets the award for being most ungrateful. Or for being the biggest scammers when it comes to...

Homelessness, a start.

Yesterday, Kathleen Falk's Office invited me to attend a press conference on homelessness. It was an opportunity to thank County Board Chair Scott...

Day Three: Operating Budget Part II (Updated – Final?)

Pure lunacy. 11 hours later, as of 5:30 this morning, we have a budget. No votes were: Cnare, Konkel, Palm, Pham-Remmele,...

Budget Night One: Public Testimony (Updated – Final)

Last night, we heard 5 hours of public testimony on the budget, and didn't vote on one single item. We have 17 Capital...

Budget . . . Budget . . . Budget

Tonight starts the City Council marathon meeting. We will be meeting tonight, tomorrow night and likely Thursday night as well. Here's a...

Budget Spin gone amuk!

So, I do this crazy thing. From time to time, I actually listen to AM radio. Let's just call it "opposition research"....

Board of Estimates Budget meeting! Part II: Operating Budget

To read in chronological order, you'll want to read the post below about the Board of Estimates Capital Budget amendments first. After...

Housing & Homelessness: Cuts plus no new City funding.

In a year when we have heard all about adding 30 police officers to our City budget and the police department budget went from...

Operating Budget Highlights for Proposed Department Budgets

When we get the operating budget, the information is a summary of quite a bit of information and we have very little detail. ...

My Experiences with Brittingham Park

So, after I wrote my blog about how the City and Non-profits are thinking about dealing with the homeless, I decided that I had...