Hey! It’s a Snow Day! Round Up

Eh, I slept in, went to Bizzardoke at the High Noon last night. Now I can't decide if its worth it to get...

Budget Amendments! Oh My!

My head is still spinning from reading the 54 amendments we got on Friday at noon and I've been at the Neighborhood Conference all...

Solution to our Homelessness Problem

Steven Colbert has found it!The Bumbot, of course! (Check out the CNN account of it.) There's gotta be a way around those...

Breaking the Law!

You know how the city parks department and the police department think it's ok to just throw away items that belong to the homeless?...

Community Forum on Homelessness

Want to learn more about homelessness here in our community - the facts, straight from people who work the homeless and the homeless themselves....

Speaking of Friendly . . .

Um, if you're homeless, you're not allowed to be!That's right. Downtown Madison, Inc. and Mayor Dave don't want the homeless talking to people....

The "Problem" with the Homeless

Has war been declared on the homeless? Should we fence off our parks, prevent people from getting food from food pantries and prevent...

Housing & Homelessness: Cuts plus no new City funding.

In a year when we have heard all about adding 30 police officers to our City budget and the police department budget went from...

Homelessness and How the City Treats People.

Is this acceptable behavior? The article is here, but you have to watch the video. That was the article done a week...

The Week Ahead: April 7, 2008

After such a nice weekend, it seems so cruel to have to go back to work . . . but there is lots of...

Budget . . . Budget . . . Budget

Tonight starts the City Council marathon meeting. We will be meeting tonight, tomorrow night and likely Thursday night as well. Here's a...

Assume they are drug dealers . . .

A landlord, a drug sniffing dog and a chief of police walk into a press conference . . . I wish it were the...