Mixed Messages about the Homeless

On the one hand, there was a meeting on campus to help people understand homelessness and that people who are homeless are human beings...

Homelessness and How the City Treats People.

Is this acceptable behavior? The article is here, but you have to watch the video. That was the article done a week...

The Week Ahead: April 7, 2008

After such a nice weekend, it seems so cruel to have to go back to work . . . but there is lots of...

Banned on Mifflin

I'm tossing out the rules, and employing the tactics used by other bloggers, am radio blowhards and the WSJ editorial pages, for just this...

Salvation Army outdoes themselves!

Obviously, I was already of the opinion that the Salvation Army has no shame . . . and you'd think they'd stop with their...

What? What is the CDA doing?

Why does WARF - the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery - want the CDA to give them $300,000 for their $180M bond project? And...

Homelessness, a start.

Yesterday, Kathleen Falk's Office invited me to attend a press conference on homelessness. It was an opportunity to thank County Board Chair Scott...

Homelessness Up In Madison – Families and Children

Here's some sobering statistics about homeless families and children. I caught the article in the Wisconsin State Journal, and the predictable hateful comments...

Homeless, Working Poor and Housing

I was talking to another blogger and we concluded that it is just so difficult to know where to begin to address these issues...

Recap: CC June 19, 2007

Last night's council meeting lasted about 3 hours, with an additional 1 hour of presentation and questions about Transport 2020 and Trolleys at 5:30....

Community Forum on Homelessness

Want to learn more about homelessness here in our community - the facts, straight from people who work the homeless and the homeless themselves....

Salvation Army – Doesn’t want our money?

Sometimes I think the Salvation Army gets the award for being most ungrateful. Or for being the biggest scammers when it comes to...