James Madison Park A Wet Shelter?

I think not. But nice photoshop job David.The last three Blaska Blog's have some how made some reference to me and affordable housing...

Services for Homeless and Jobless

Here's some help . . . but what is really needed is more jobs in the community!From Employment and Training AssociationReceive employment services (resumes,...

Two Americas

I'm not a Democrat. I'm a member of the Green Party but . . . it's hard to ignore this. When is...

Casey Hoff knows what motivates Brenda Konkel?

So, Casey Hoff seems to believe he has the secret key to determine what motivates me. How scary is that! I can't stand listening...

Speaking of Friendly . . .

Um, if you're homeless, you're not allowed to be!That's right. Downtown Madison, Inc. and Mayor Dave don't want the homeless talking to people....

Day Three: Operating Budget Part II (Updated – Final?)

Pure lunacy. 11 hours later, as of 5:30 this morning, we have a budget. No votes were: Cnare, Konkel, Palm, Pham-Remmele,...

Friday Round Up . . .

Ex-alder gives advice to colleagues, Olinger leaving the city, kudos to public health, Kailin service, Brews for WYOU, Homeless Memorial Day, composting, and more,...

Salvation Army – Doesn’t want our money?

Sometimes I think the Salvation Army gets the award for being most ungrateful. Or for being the biggest scammers when it comes to...

Homelessness, a start.

Yesterday, Kathleen Falk's Office invited me to attend a press conference on homelessness. It was an opportunity to thank County Board Chair Scott...

Time Warp: Section 8 Tenants are Criminals

10 years ago, the leading reason cited for why landlords shouldn't have to take Section 8 tenants was that they are criminals. We...

Homelessness in Madison

Here's a few other perspectives.First, I had forgotten about this Glenn Austin project from 2003. It's a look at the homeless who hung...

Breaking the Law!

You know how the city parks department and the police department think it's ok to just throw away items that belong to the homeless?...