Salvation Army – Doesn’t want our money?

Sometimes I think the Salvation Army gets the award for being most ungrateful. Or for being the biggest scammers when it comes to...

FISH – Next Homelessness Event!

The Dane County Coalition to Fight Poverty and End Homelessness (DCCFHEP - possibly the worst name ever) has changed its name to FISH (Fighting...

Community Response to Stereotyping the Homeless

Follow up to Homeless Conference, more media, audio of the event and pictures, what's next, and Blaska's coming to the meeting! A special...

Homeless Meters?

You're kidding me. Is this a serious proposal?Ok - its an interesting idea. There are ways to make it more interesting, but...

Will the Homeless be Homeless?

Tim Bruer doesn't want them. Residents around the Truman Olson site on Park Street don't want them. Larry Palm doesn't want them. We...

Homeless, Working Poor and Housing

I was talking to another blogger and we concluded that it is just so difficult to know where to begin to address these issues...

Homelessness Up In Madison – Families and Children

Here's some sobering statistics about homeless families and children. I caught the article in the Wisconsin State Journal, and the predictable hateful comments...

Mixed Messages about the Homeless

On the one hand, there was a meeting on campus to help people understand homelessness and that people who are homeless are human beings...