
All the gossip, inside info and rumors one can take on a Friday.Before I start, let me explain. The phrase "don't blog this"...

The "Problem" with the Homeless

Has war been declared on the homeless? Should we fence off our parks, prevent people from getting food from food pantries and prevent...

Will the Homeless be Homeless?

Tim Bruer doesn't want them. Residents around the Truman Olson site on Park Street don't want them. Larry Palm doesn't want them. We...

Dr. King – Still, oh so relevant today.

I bolded some eerily-relevant-and-similar-to-today portions of his speech below. Thanks to Eugene Farley for passing this along and the websites that make his...

Horror of Horrors

“Unfortunately, (the park) is taken over by folks who sit there all day and hang out."Sometimes, smart people, say dumb things. People who...

Homeless Meters?

You're kidding me. Is this a serious proposal?Ok - its an interesting idea. There are ways to make it more interesting, but...

Breaking the Law!

You know how the city parks department and the police department think it's ok to just throw away items that belong to the homeless?...

Speaking of Friendly . . .

Um, if you're homeless, you're not allowed to be!That's right. Downtown Madison, Inc. and Mayor Dave don't want the homeless talking to people....