View from Outside the Bubble!

When I first started with Forwardlookout, we brought you the stories of how Sunny Schubert writes a local column disguised as public interest, in...

School Board Forums – The Isthmus, Sustain Dane and Ex-Mayor Dave Redefine “Fairness”

It is Board of Education candidate forum season and everyone is getting into the act (full list at the bottom).  That includes Sustain Dane...

More Sunny….

I addressed the fact that Sunny Schubert kept her affiliation with WPRI to herself here, and she addressed it here. Looking between...

Sunny Kept Us In The Dark…

In the Monona/Cottage Grove area,while we are a decent size community and many people read for their print/online newspaper, we have a respectable...

What Did You Do On Summer Vacation?

While I worked, we were able to get away for a family vacation in Hayward, WI. Monona Grove School District teacher Brent Schacht...


Tonight the the Cottage Grove Plan Commission, will be discussing the impending CVS pharmacy with representatives from CVS showing up to present their...

Show me what democracy looks like….

PLEASE!!! Here in cottage grove, we found out last night, that we have a royal family and no one is allowed in...

Don’t Take Your Guns To Town…

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall...


I have said over and over that the new brand of "fiscal conservatives" mean that if they are for it, there is no amount...

The Mitch Henck Maneuver

Mitch Henck has been a voice in Madison for quite some time. I do not know Mitch Henck personally, but have listened to...

Simpson’s Soliloquy on Words of Reason

This weeks Herald Independent, the paper of record for the Monona Grove School District, had an interesting column from their latest Cottage Grove...

Why Teachers Need a Union –

Now that Act10 has been enacted making it next to impossible for teachers to bargain teachers are going to be left vulnerable. ...