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Inclusionary Zoning

Ald. Judy Compton took lessons from the Chamber of Commerce

Folks, we have more bad numbers . . . this time, It is those big stacks of paper that Judy Compton has been waiving...

Thank you.

Thank you!

Common Council Recap

The meeting went past 10:00! That has become so rare!The meeting started off with much confusion. Alders Sanborn and Bruer were not...

Realtors work in good faith . . .

Not.You may have seen the recent article in the Isthmus about the Realtors take on inclusionary zoning, and here's another one in the Sunday...

Inclusionary Zoning – We can’t even agree on a report.

We disagree. Wow. Yesterday was supposed to be the final meeting of the Inclusionary Zoning Oversight Committee where we worked on our...

WSJ: Unprincipled Editorials

The Wisconsin State Journal's latest editorial on Inclusionary Zoning points out how comical the Wisconsin State Journal's editorials are. I'll respond...

How the Realtors (and other groups?) want to gut the IZ ordinance

At noon today, Phil Salkin presented a plan to "amend" the inclusionary zoning ordinance for the City of Madison to the Mayor's workgroup. Phil...

Inclusionary Zoning – Just twisted

One thing I learned from inclusionary zoning is that the development community doesn't all think alike. In fact, often, two people from the same...

IZ Myths (or Lies or Spin) #6 – 10 (the most outrageous ones!)

Building on yesterday's post on the first 5 myths, lies or spin regarding inclusionary zoning - I thought I'd address some of the funniest/saddest/most...

IZ Myths (or Lies or Spin) – #1 – 5

I was going to do a blog entry about the IZ myths, or lies, or spin that I have been hearing and I was...

(Still Not) Finding IZ . . .

6 months ago, I blogged about how it was hard to find information about IZ units on the web. (IZ = Inclusionary Zoning)Today, I...

MABA first to take ball and go home . . .

At the last mayor's workgroup, Alder Zach Brandon posed a question to the committee: Do you support "100% cost offsets" for the builder?He wanted...