Inclusionary Zoning – Twists, spins and goes in circles

And we end up nearly where we started?WARNING: Talking about equity models is boring. If you don't want to hear alot of wonk...

Midvale Plaza

The neighbors in the Midvale Plaza area are clearly upset about this new development in their neighborhood. I've gotten several emails trying to...

The politics of fear (& IZ)

I read Paul Soglin's Inclusionary Zoning - A Lesson for the Left this morning, er afternoon, when I got up. At first, I chalked...


Too bad some people are too busy spinning and trying to score political points, instead of trying to be constructive and help create affordable...

How the Realtors (and other groups?) want to gut the IZ ordinance

At noon today, Phil Salkin presented a plan to "amend" the inclusionary zoning ordinance for the City of Madison to the Mayor's workgroup. Phil...

Common Council Recap

The meeting went past 10:00! That has become so rare!The meeting started off with much confusion. Alders Sanborn and Bruer were not...