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James Madison Park

James Madison Park: Selling the Land and Houses

I'm a little hesitant to say what I think should happen to all this property in the district I represent on the City Council,...

James Madison Park – What Should Happen?

Come tell us your opinion tonight!I've blogged for the past few years about this topic about improvements needed to the park, what should happen...

James Madison Park – Why’s it taking so long?

So, below is an open record that I have been sitting on for quite some time. It's always tough to know what to...

Chilly Morning Round Up

A few topics to chew on as you drink your coffee or tea, or hot cocoa and try to warm up . . .GOOD...

Passionate James Madison Park Testimony

Thanks to everyone who showed up to give us your opinions on James Madison Park. We heard testimony on whether the land under...

Robbing Peter (Downtown Area Parks) to Pay Paul (Breese Stevens)

Two weeks ago, an item that was never introduced through the council magically appeared on the Board of Estimates agenda. That item was...

James Madison Park Surplus Property Committee meeting, January 13 2011

The City’s James Madison Park Disposal Surplus Property Criteria and Selection Committee met on January 13, 2011. The tl;dr version: The committee will accept proposals that would move two of the houses, but won’t require a move and will in fact give a slight boost to proposals that leave the houses in place. No proposal that moves the Collins House will be considered. Proposals for the Collins House will be biased towards uses that have some sort of public accommodation. The committee drew up a list of criteria they’ll use to evaluate proposals as well as the weight each criteria will receive. Staff will use that to prepare a final version of the RFP, which the committee will vote on at their January 26th meeting. The target referendum (required because its a shoreline property) is February or April of next year.

What ever happened to . . .

The Committees to deal with the Office of Neighborhood Support and James Madison Park?The resolution to create the Office of Neighborhood Support committee was...

James Madison Park Committee (& TIF Committee)

It's going to meet, really, truly. You won't be able to hold your breath until it happens, but here's the latest,...

It’s not in there.

In looking at the Capital Budget, I was at first horrified. Then just very disappointed. And now, even more people are being...

James Madison Park Selling Houses, Not the Land!

Well, that didn't quite work out as expected, but I feel good about our decision.As expected, the committee decided to sell the two smaller...

My thoughts on this year’s Capital Budget

I said I'd do this last week . . . but alas . . . the best laid plans . . . sometimes "tomorrow"...